Cookie Policy

At Holo Art, we use cookies to improve your experience on our website. Cookies are small text files stored on your device that help us remember your preferences, analyze website traffic, and ensure the website functions correctly. We don't really have anything to do with them. The website host requires we add this blurb. WIX is the one cooking the cookies. At Holo, our cookies are more like beautiful macaroons. Anyone who reads the fine print here should receive a prize. Not many people do! It is important to be literate when it comes to disclaimers, consent, and releases in the digital realm and beyond. If anyone reads this and decides to share how they find it, please contact us with this very discreet button here: HERE. The first hundred people who do will receive a promotional 'well done on your due diligence' macaroon digital art piece.
We use cookies for the following purposes:
Essential cookies to enable core website features.
Analytical cookies to understand how visitors interact with our website.
Advertising cookies to personalize ads and content.
By continuing to browse, you consent to the use of cookies. You can manage or disable cookies through your browser settings at any time. For more information on how we protect your privacy, please refer to our full Privacy Policy.
We are very transparent: the privacy policy is also in the kitchen of WIX.
We look forward to hearing from you.
No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. ~ Albert Einstein
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