We are global artists, scientists, philosophers, astrophysicists, astronauts, engineers, tech pioneers, executives, business strategists, and cultural leaders working together to envision and create a better future for humanity on and off world.
Holo Art is a Solution for Humanity.
~ Head of Innovation, European Council for Nuclear Research (CERN)
Holo Art: Who We Are
We reimagine paradigms to terraform conceptual architectures at scale with whole systems engagement with a patented generative and iterative process. We unlock fusions between creativity, knowledge, and exponential innovation as a community of pioneers at the edge of our respective disciplines.
(2 min video)
Art, Space, Science & Technology
6 continents, 30+ countries
~ Thought leaders, influencers at the edge of their respective disciplines inventing new fields such as FemTech
Why Art, Space, Science & Technology?
Art, Science, Space & Tech Conference
Mariam Brian was invited to speak as a panelist about IP and Quantum Security as it relates to art and the future of finance on a panel in Cape Town's Art, Science, Space & Tech Conference.
The opening reception hosted the first African American commercial female astronaut with the Cape Town Mayor.
(4 min video)
120+ pioneers, inventors, artists, scientists
~ Global collaboration with experts from over 30 countries tackling global challenges across disciplines, cultures, generations, paradigms
Holo Art 1000+ page Anthology: Lumina
Post Renaissance Creative Innovation Cultures
A compendium of thought leadership from visionaries and pioneers across disciplines, cultures, and generations for a kaleidoscopic view into the future and how to navigate unchartered waters in the coming century. with contributions from artists, scientists, policy makers, financiers and many others.
Pre-order now here. Multi city book launch in 2025.
You are the Da Vinci's of our time.
~ Quantum VC Fund
Global Space Innovation
Associated Press Space Innovation
​Creative payload from 6 continents escaped gravity aboard NASA's SpaceX Cargo Mission beamed back to earth from the International Space Station. Contributing artists, children, indigenous communities from 6 continents, 30 countries, includes a qubit quantum poem codex, children's charity art and a climate narrative of our past, present and future as earthlings in planetary science.
(4 min video)​
20 Global Dialogues, 3 Family Office AI Panels
~ Products and Services with Art and Science Assets: Global Firsts Art Collections, Atomic Clocks, Patented AI, Innovation Summits, Space Opera, Education, Consulting, Speaking
Holo Art Lunar Codex
Art in Space
The Lunar Codex is the brainchild of Samuel Peralta, Founder and CEO of Incandence. The target mission for Holo Art is the Polaris mission, notionally launching Sept 2025 via SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket on the Astrobotic Griffin lander, headed to the South Pole. This reserved payload space in target missions means the archival process can include nickel foil, nano fiche, semiconductor digital, ceramic digital, or synthetic DNA.
Burning Man, Venice Biennale, Art Basel, IEEE, COP 28, Davos Visionaries
~ Leaders shaping global cultural patterns
Deloitte Luxembourg
Deloitte Private & ArtTactic Art & Finance Report
First Company Featured on Page 88
Holo Art 4 page interview in the 8th edition of the biennial Deloitte Private and ArtTactic Art & Finance Report, unveiled by Adriano Picinati di Torcello and Anders Petterson at the 15th Deloitte Private Art & Finance Conference. Analysis and reporting on the evolving role and importance of art and collectible assets in wealth management. In this edition we focus more closely on family offices and NextGen collectors and their needs and challenges. The report also explores the ways sustainability and impact investing – plus emerging technology – are driving change across the art and finance ecosystems. To read the full report: https://deloi.tt/47iOqq5
Ethical Innovation: Leading ethical interdisciplinary advancements.
~ NASA executives, EU Parliament Policy Shapers, White House Advisors, Pan-African Committee Chairs
We immerse ourselves in the world of art, innovation and disruptive technologies with Mariam Brian. Join us as we embark on a captivating exploration of Holo Art, Interplanetary Art, delving into collaborations with NASA and other global partners. Together, we ponder the future of civilization, discussing the ethical use of technology for good and uncover the intriguing intersection of art with web3, AI, and quantum computing. Interview with the SciTech Swiss channel podcast by Davos panelist and former CNN anchor, Carina Schuster.
Our team's collective experience includes 330+ patents, 30+ space missions from North to Global South
~ Space executives, EU Parliament Policy Shapers, White House Advisors, Pan-African Committee Chairs
Holo is Necessary.
~ Kira Perov, Executive Director, Bill Viola Studios
​We look forward to hearing from you.
No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. ~ Albert Einstein
All right received by Holo Art Inc. (2024) Designed by Slideflow.onl
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